Keyring Pro
Keyring Pro

Unlock secondary market liquidity with reusable compliance.

Designed for...
You need to enforce restrictions to respect your regulatory compliance requirements. You want to minimise friction to your users and make the solution scalable. Massively reduce the cost of compliance onboarding and maintenance. 
Regulated platforms or platforms targeting institutional customers
Streamlining your onboarding processes
Programming different rule sets for different clients, products, functions
Access existing user pools in the ecosystem
Quick onboarding with less friction for users and lower cost to protocols
Programmable way to manage rules and enforce them at the smart contract level
Are regulated or target institutional customers
Access existing user pools in the ecosystem
Are looking for a way to streamline your onboarding processes
Quick onboarding with less friction for users and lower cost to protocols
Want to apply different rules to different clients, products, functions
Programmable way to manage rules and enforce them at the smart contract level
For end-users
Once you’ve submitted your information, you won’t have to do it again. Get one-click access to new compliant use cases.
Launch app
Use cases
Fast onboarding
Only invest the time when a user’s eligibility has been pre-vetted.
Protocol with institutional customers
Drag & drop permissioning
Custom compliance for pools administered by customers.
Infra protocol
Whitelist orchestration
Connect to multiple data sources, run policy comparisons.
Stablecoin protocol
Compliant ERC20s
Compliance travels with the asset across blockchain primitives.
RWA protocol
Compliant pools
Ensure full privacy of users transacting with ZK.
Dark pool